Front and center troops! Colonel Nick Fury is now present among us!
I really took my time with this agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to get his look of age right, it's not often I do older characters so wish me luck when I get to the likes of JJJ, Vulture, Mole Man, Mandarin etc...
Nawww but I think I did ok. As you can see, I went with the original Fury and not the latest 'Samuel L. Jackson' Fury. This one was the one I've grown up on so to learn that Fury is now portrayed as a different race is a bit wierd to me. Don't get me wrong, I like him...but it's still wierd.
Anyhow, I'll work on colour soon so keep your eyes open!
PS. Apologies for the light from my camera. It's quite difficult for me to get a good shot without the flash getting in the way, you guys may have noticed on some of the other pictures. Hopefully you will see it more clearly when the colour has been added.
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