Behold! Finally the finished sketch of the God of Thunder himself! I give you...Thor!
This has certainly been my most difficult drawing yet! Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America...all sketches that had their fair share of difficulties. But Thor trumps them all and I must say I am extremely happy with how he turned out! I'd like to point out, this was the SEVENTH pic of him I attempted, I tried a few different poses and looks but I just wasn't happy with them...kinda wish I took photos of them too to see what you all thought.
Anyway I'll aim to finish the complete pic soon and then I will move onto my next Avenger! Keep your eyes peeled everybody!
I'll take this moment to say that after my Avengers pic, I will be concentrating on making pics to sell, therefore each pic I do will have multiple prints and I may even sell the original to someone if you're lucky enough ;)
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this guys. I would also like to hear what you guys think would be a reasonable price would be for them. This will be my first time selling things (and what a thing to start on eh?) so any help would be appreciated. I will also do some research online about it too :)
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