May I present the latest pic on Iron Man, now in colour! I used many different shades of colours to try and capture the shiny armour effect that Mr. Stark has, I think it turned out pretty well personally. I think this one is definately up there in my best artwork.
Thanks for your kind comments on the last post Robert. I'll look into trying Adam Warlock again one day. To answer your question about my Apprenticeship, it is on hospitality and I have also took higher levels of Maths and English exams also. I am now just waiting for my final exam which is based on the whole Apprenticeship program and then once that is done, the whole project is finally complete! :)
Right, I shall be looking to hopefully start my next Avenger sketch at some point tonight. But which Avenger you ask?..........It's only gonna be Captain America!
"Hospitality." Tried to be hospitable once, but I couldn't quite manage it... ;)